Cobblestone Farms wedding photography in Ann Arbor

Don’t worry, folks… my spell check IS working! That is indeed Jenefer. No they don’t make allowances for creative spellings! Phil and Jenefer got married in the same church his parents were married in way out on the outskirts of Ann Arbor. The beautiful hundred year old church was a beauty to shoot in. After being together for over ten years, everybody was happy to be included in this monumental occasion. While I have very nice shots of the ceremony (posted on my other blog at, I had so many hilarious shots of the three kids at this wedding that I HAD to post those. Glad Jenefer agreed with me that these kids were slideshow worthy… in fact she said she’s going to dig these photos out for their weddings! So most often a wedding ceremony is about the bride and groom, but every once in a while, they get great competition with a kid or two or three who seems to inspire a nose picking chain reaction! The reception was at Ann Arbor’s own Cobblestone Farms and the caterer was my all time favorite, Zingerman’s Catering headed by their fearless leader Paul. Always great food, always gracious, accommodating AND I love the mutual admiration society we’ve joined! Jenefer and Phil had a couple of really unique things about their reception I’d love to share with you. Their favors were giant poppers, which they all opened together. Five of them held rings which the guests could trade in for a prize. They also were filled with silly paper crowns which all of the guests dutifully wore all evening long! Phil also wanted to have his bride’s all time favorite song played… “I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas” as a sing along. To honor their grandparents, they cut a Bill Knapp’s cake (which was one set of Grandparents favorite cake) and they had Zingerman’s make their grandmother’s “famous” german potato salad recipe as one of the things served with dinner. I loved the personalized touches… very unique way to pay homage to their families.

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